Sunday School
Director: Barbara Henderson
9:45 AM – Bible Study
Our Sunday School at Washington Baptist Church is dedicated to leading people to know Jesus Christ as Lord and developing them as Great Commission Christians. We use two different Bible studies: ‘Explore the Bible’ and ‘Family Bible Study.’
Through the Sunday School classes we also:
– Encourage caring relationships within our classes
– Teach Biblical Principles
– Minister to Spiritual Needs
– Lead our People to Worship and Pray
Preschool Dept.Birth – Kindergarten Director: Sandra O’Bryant
Preschoolers are taught the Bible through activities, music and arts and crafts. We also provide a snack. A extended session is available during the worship service at 10:45a.m. for preschoolers through age 4. |
Children Dept.1st – 6th grade Director: Melanie Hughes
The Children’s Department is totally committed to teaching children about the love of God. Children are the future of our church and we are here to ensure they are spiritually grounded in Jesus. We have several classes and programs that teach the life and truth of God’s word through our Lord Jesus Christ. Each class is safe, fun and age appropriate. |
Your First Visit
The first time you come, just head over to our check-in counter. Our volunteers will walk you through the check in process and assist you in printing badges for you and your child.
We meet Sundays from 5-7 pm. Drop off in the gym.
Co-Commanders: Amanda Van Patton & Jessica O’Bryant
CubbiesThe Cubbies program for preschoolers is founded on the idea that children can and should receive spiritual development. The Cubbies program reaches children for Jesus Christ through games, puppets, crafts and awards. Also, Cubbies are lead through a simple brochure that gives them and their parents a brief preview of the program which directs them to God’s plan of salvation.
Furthermore, Cubbies learn more about Jesus Christ through handbook time which is written in a style that is appealing and interesting to preschoolers. All material is age level appropriate for 3 and 4 year olds.
T&TThe primary focus of T&T is to teach third- through sixth-grade boys and girls the truth of God’s Word and to follow Christ in their daily walk. The goal of T&T is that boys and girls will become future church leaders. T&T uses several exciting tools through weekly club meeting to develop a more personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This is achieved through:
Likewise, awards are given to those who complete each handbook as well as the any extra-credit sections. Before starting work in their handbook, T&T boys and girls must complete a short booklet that explains God’s plan of salvation. |
SparksThe Sparks program centers around kindergarten through second grade children while diving deeper into God’s Word through Scripture. This is achieved through handbook time, bible verse memorization and learning key Christian doctrine. Sparks club meetings combine fun and other activities to create learning excitement for all children. The meetings are divided as follows:
Awards are given to Sparks who finish their curriculum and extra credit during handbook time.
TrekThe Trek program targets middle school students while using 3 handbooks that help direct them to a deeper walk with Jesus Christ.
Dashboard Series: The first in the series, this handbook is designed to show students how to respond to God’s faithfulness. This is achieved by studying many key figures from the Bible. On the other hand, the Dashboard Series also tackles the 12 key questions asked by middle school students today.
Roadsign Series: This handbook takes the student on a meaningful walk through the Bible – Genesis through Revelation. In addition, Roadside Series deals with the trials, temptations, and tough times of the Christian life.
Billboard Series: Billboard Series thoroughly covers lessons about God from Israel’s desert trek. Furthermore, this handbook discusses many frequently asked questions about God and straight-talk answers from Scripture. |
Children’s Choir
His Kids – Preschool Children’s Choir
Director – Toni Arms
His Kids is for ages 4 years – Kindergarten and meets from September to May.
Little Lambs Choir
Ages 2 & 3 years and meets from September to May
Sonshine Gang – Children’s Choir
Director – Melanie Hughes
The Sonshine Gang Choir is for grades 1 – 6 and meets from September to May. Children are given an opportunity to lead in worship as they sing biblically based songs that praise our Lord! Practice is on Wednesday’s from 6:30 – 7:00 pm in the choir room located on the main level.
The choir will sing during the following services:
– monthly morning worship services
– End-of-the-Year program on May
– Hanging of the Greens in November
– Christmas program in December

Have a question about our children’s ministry?
Contact so and so at there address.