Announcements Discipleship Survey Register Online Please offer your input as we plan our discipleship courses for the year! × Discipleship Survey Register Online Please offer your input as we plan our discipleship courses for the year! × Prayer Chain Text “@wbcpraying” to 81010 for updates about prayer needs and answers to prayer in our congregation! × Prayer Chain Text "@wbcpraying" to 81010 for updates about prayer needs and answers to prayer in our congregation! × First Alert System Text “@wbcalerts” to 81010 to join for updates whenever we have sudden changes to events or closures because of weather! × First Alert System Text "@wbcalerts" to 81010 to join for updates whenever we have sudden changes to events or closures because of weather! × /?php get_sidebar(); ?> Login Login × Login Username or Email Password Create Account Recover Password Powered by My Church Websites Design